Monday, October 10, 2011

Jim Hood's Support of Obamacare - the Real Story

Free Lawsuit was 'Too Expensive'
CLAIM: Obamacare Suit was ‘Too Expensive’ for Mississippi Taxpayers
When asked why he refused to join the fight against Obamacare at last week’s Stennis Press Club Forum, Jim Hood stated that the suit was simply too expensive for Mississippi taxpayers. This was Hood’s only justification for not standing up to Obamacare.
Jim Hood had several opportunities during the forum to provide justifications for his refusal to join the fight against Obamacare – this was the only defense he provided.

TRUTH: Attorneys Representing Mississippi are Free – Total Cost Less than 2,000 Dollars
Jim Hood’s statements were completely incorrect and he knows it.
After Jim Hood refused to do his job and fight Obamacare, Governor Barbour decided to act. Governor Barbour enlisted Michael Wallace, a highly-qualified Attorney, to represent Mississippi in the lawsuit against Obamacare.
Wallace agreed to represent Mississippi taxpayers – for free.
The only cost to be incurred by Mississippi taxpayers will be a fraction of the $50,000 Federal share to be split by the 26 states currently listed on the lawsuit. This will be less than $2,000.

Obamacare will kill economic-growth, reduce the quality of healthcare, take billions from Medicare funding and force employers to reduce or eliminate health benefits.
Jim Hood had the opportunity to stand up against Obamacare and refused, citing the potential cost of legal action.
After Jim Hood refused, Governor Barbour acted, hiring a private attorney to represent Mississippi taxpayers – for free.
Please watch the following web-video, which clearly show how Jim Hood's misplaced priorities and misleading statements can not cover up his proud support of President Obama's agenda.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Claim: Jim Hood has always supported the sanctity of life

Two weeks ago, after most Mississippians had wrapped up their work-week, Jim Hood issued a statement professing his support for the Personhood Amendment. 
“Support Personhood! I want to make my position very clear. Personally, I have always supported the sanctity of life.” – Jim Hood, Friday, September 17th
Truth: Jim Hood has not always been a pro-life advocate
The Personhood Amendment that Jim Hood claimed to support almost never made it onto the ballot – because he tried to stop it!
In 2010, Jim Hood issued a legal opinion that nearly killed the Personhood Amendment’s chances of making it onto the ballot. Hood arbitrarily issued an opinion that would’ve decreased the amount of time Personhood advocates would’ve had to collect the signatures needed to get the issue on the ballot. 
Pro-life groups in Mississippi and beyond responded to Hood’s clear end-around on the Constitution with outrage.

While Jim Hood would have you believe that his half-hearted support of the Personhood Amendment in the heat of a tough political campaign proves his pro-life credentials, his legal opposition to the initiative more than a year ago tells you the real story.
This end-around on Mississippi law was not the first time, however, that Jim Hood has subverted Constitutional protections to advance pro-abortion policies. Jim Hood’s support of Obamacare, which allows for taxpayer funded abortions, is simply another installment in Jim Hood’s flawed pro-life track-record. 
According to the Heritage Foundation, Obamacare allows the Government to fund abortions through many different ‘creative ways.’
During the entirety of his political career, Jim Hood has told Mississippi voters one thing during political campaigns and done something entirely different once elected. Jim Hood’s pro-abortion legal decisions are simply another example of this behavior.